past work feature > 2019
Oh What a Beautiful
Morning! ... with sing-a-long!
In this expanded version of its 2018 show Fight With a Stick turns its gaze on the iconic musical Oklahoma!
Boasting 800 productions a year, Oklahoma’s cultural legacy refuses to die. In Oh What a Beautiful Morning! we radically reinvent one of the most powerful theatre forms of our time — the American Musical — and one of the most enduring of those musicals.
Not a critique but a journey into the hidden corners of this enduring work. We ask ourselves who we are in relation to this endlessly produced musical? 500 licensed productions a year! What's the enduring appeal? Can this be anyone's story? Can it be ours? Fight With a Stick’s company of theatre artists, composers, video artists and choreographers dive deep into the sensory world that made the musical an instrument of American national identity building, but also an inspiration to generations of musical theatre fans. As always the company messes with states of perception to draw out what is lurking in the background — the cornfield, the sky, the sounds of the landscape.
“Oh What a Beautiful Morning! is not a play — although it is playful. It is not a romantic musical — although there is music. It is not a movie — although there is film. It is something completely new, and I was as ‘high as an elephant’s eye’ when it was over” — Jo Ledingham, Theatre Reviews.
Created by: Performers — Hayley Gawthrop, Logan Hallwas, Hin Hilary Leung, Sean Marshall Jr., Makailla Pallyaguru. Alex Lazaridis Ferguson (director), Paula Viitanen (TD/set), James Maxwell (sound design), Josh Hite (video creation), Jordan Lloyd Watkins (video design/technologist), Delia Brett (choreographic consultant), Sharon Lau (light design), Janice Ma (costume design), Katie Roberts (production management), mia amir (artist-in-residence), Jay White (graphic design).
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia, the Canada Council for the Arts, the City of Vancouver, the Hamber Foundation.